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Consuming Data Products

To consume a specific data product you need to send an access request from the data product details page.

  1. Open a data product's details page: you can reach this page by selecting a data product from the Marketplace > Search page using the Marketplace Search functionality, or from the Visual Discovery graph. Product details

  2. Select the output port you are interested in

  3. Click on the access button Request Access button


It is strongly recommended to carefully review data product details before submitting an access request since some output ports can have billing policies.

  1. Click on the row of an output port

  2. Read all the sections, in particular the Data Contract sections

  3. Click on the Request Access button and compile all the fields required in the Request Access modal, for example:

    1. users and groups for which you want to request access;
    2. the reason for the request access will be sent to the data product owner for approval Request Access Modal
  4. The product owner will receive a notification that can be visualized in the Notification Center by clicking on the notification button in the upper right corner of the page. Notification button

  5. When the owner accepts the access request, the users and groups in the request are added to the ones that are allowed to read data from those components. Those users will receive a notification of the accepted request.


An access request is tied to the specific version and environment of a Data Product. Thus access to newer versions or versions of a data product targeting a different environment must be requested separately

Revoking access to Output Ports

To revoke access that you already granted in the past you can take two actions:

  • Contact the platform team to adjust the list of access authorizations
  • Remove grants from your infrastructure settings (e.g. revoking access to the target accounts on AWS S3 settings)