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Editor Wizard


This feature allows users to edit entities directly from the UI, using a wizard that guides them through all the necessary steps. Thanks to this feature, users will not have to update the systems/components and their metadata by directly working on the catalog-info.yaml file in the entity's git repository. Moreover, this feature ensures that all the changes are validated before being applied.


1. Identify a system/component on which the edit feature is enabled

  • Head to the entity's page from Builder > My Data Products
  • Then open the Edit and Test tab and click on the Edit button

Edit Dialog


If the Wizard option is disabled for a specific entity, you should contact the platform team to enable it.


A wizard icon on a use case template card in the templates list page (Builder > Templates), indicates that every entity created starting from that use case template is suitable for the edit operation.

Edit Template's icon

2. Provide and review the required information

The first step of the Editor Wizard will ask you the new values to be edited.

First step


It is possible that you may encounter this warning: Warning outofdate params or this one Warning no prefill that means witboost was not able to prefill the values in the pickers. Don't worry, you can go ahead with the process anyway.


If you are redirected to the entity page after you access the editor wizard, like this Error less strict it means some restrictions have been adopted by the platform team, and you should contact them.

At the end of the input process, you can review your changes in the Review Information panel and start the edit process.

Second step

3. Start the edit process

The Processing step will display the status of the edit operation and its related logs.

After the process is complete you can go ahead and click on Next Step to compare changes before saving them.

Fourth step


catalog-info.yaml updates will never be automatically applied without user intervention and confirmation. You can run the edit operation multiple times safely without making any changes to the catalog-info.yaml file.

4. Preview and Save

In this step you will be prompt with a comparison wizard, composed of 2 panels: the left one will display the old content of the catalog-info.yaml, while the right panel shows the new catalog-info.yaml. Both the panels are in read-only mode, so the user can only choose to save changes in the right panel to git. In this way, we ensure that all the catalog-info.yaml are persisted in a valid form.

Comparison page

In case the catalog-info.yaml you are editing is badly formatted, witboost will automatically try to fix it and shows you the changes made.

Bad Format


In case the file cannot be fixed automatically by witboost, a meaningful error is thrown in the Processing step.

If you are happy with the resulting catalog-info.yaml (in the right panel) you can copy or download it and manually commit the new changes to the entity's git repository. Alternatively, you can handle commit and push operations without leaving witboost by clicking on the Save to repository button.

Save Dialog


The witboost-managed saving mechanism allows you to automatically execute commit and push operations on the branch from which the entity's catalog-info.yaml is read (its name is displayed in the save dialog). If you need to push the updates on a different branch, you can proceed manually by copying (Copy icon) or downloading (Download button) the new catalog-info.yaml.


If someone manually edits on git the catalog-info.yaml while you are using the editor wizard, witboost will throw a meaningful error when you try to save your edited catalog-info.yaml. You will still have the possibility to download or copy the edited file without losing changes.