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Common functionalities

Every component has its own set of properties, but some common functionalities are shared among all of them. These functionalities are defined in the base component, which is the parent of all the other components. The properties defined in the base component are the following:

  • value: this property is processed as a Nunjucks value, so it can contain variables and expressions.
  • path: refers to a path in the data object that will be used as the value. In all the components this is an alternative to the value property. If both are defined, the path will be used.
  • showWhenHasValue: shows the component only if its value is defined. This is a boolean flag.
  • showWhenExists: shows the component only if the path specified is not undefined. This functionality can also accept an array of paths: in this case, it is sufficient that at least one of them is not undefined. If the specified value is an object, it checks that all its keys are either null or undefined: if that is the case, the component is not shown.
  • hideWhenExists: removes the component from the page if the path specified is defined (specular to the showWhenExists property).
  • showWhen: shows the component only if a certain condition defined is true. It is an object that must contain these two properties:
    • value: a Nunjucks value for the property to check, for example '{{ tags.length }}'
    • equals or notEquals: the value to check against, for example 0; (this is not a Nunjucks value)
  • default: sets a default value for the component when, after the value resolution, its value is empty (e.g. if the value is reading from a null or undefined field, the default value will be returned instead).

When using a component, you can always decide between using the value or the path property:

  • the path property is used to reference a field in the data object.
  • the value property is used to define a static value, or a Nunjucks string that elaborates the data object.

So, you could use the path property if you want to reference directly the field, or you could use the value property if you want to apply some logic to it, like showing only when defined, and fallback to otherwise: {{ if else }}.

Every time you have a nested component, for example, if you have a child component inside a parent component, the child component will inherit the properties of the parent component in a field called _parent. This is true also for elements inside a sequence or a grid sequence (or arrays in general): every array element will have a _parent field that refers to the parent component.

Simple Components

These components are designed for generic use. Each one can have specific properties.

String Component

The string component displays a string value.

String Component


  • label: Defines the label to show, it will appear above the string.
  • maxLines: Defines the number of lines to show, after which the ellipsis is shown. If set to undefined or -1, the field will not be truncated (default). For values greater than 0, the text field is truncated, and hovering over it will show a tooltip containing the full text.
  • showMoreButton: Determines whether a 'More' button is displayed after the ellipsis. If maxLines is not defined but showMoreButton is set to true, the field will automatically truncate after 3 lines.
  • colSpan: Specifies the width in columns. Number of columns will be depend on the size of the screen. For the smallest size there will be only 1 column, for small size 2 columns, for wide dimensions and beyond 4 columns. The colSpan value will affect the size in relation to the number of columns, so it will be useless for smaller size.
  • href: Specifies the URL to redirect to when clicked. If specified, the string will be shown as a link.


- type: string
label: Name
path: name
colSpan: 2

Date Component

The date component displays a date value.

Date Component


  • label: Defines the label to show, it will appear above the date.


- type: date
path: createdAt
label: Created At

Title Component

The title component displays a string as a title using the Typography variant.

Title Component


- type: title
value: Agreement

Image Component

The image component displays an image.


  • title: Specifies the alternative string to display when the image is not available.
  • maxHeight: maximum height of the image in pixels (default to 250).


- type: image
title: My Image

The link component displays a reference link to the Software Catalog page. Only valid entity refs are allowed as values.

Link Component


  • kind: Specifies the entity kind. It is used to build the link to the correct entity page. (e.g. user, group, or domain).


- type: link
path: myPath

Tags Component

The tags component shows a list of tags. It decodes the OpenMetadata tag format;

Tags Component


  • title: title of the widget
  • filter: allows you to specify a filter to show only certain tags. It supports two formats:
    • when set as a string, it is interpreted as a Nunjuck that should return 'true' when the tag should be shown;
    • when set as an object, it is parsed as a complex condition (in the same format as the "showWhen" property). In this case, you can use the equals and notEquals properties to filter the tags.
  • displayValue: this field specifies the value to show for each tag. It is a Nunjucks string that can reference the tag object. If not specified, the tag's tagFQN field will be shown (as per OpenMetadata definition).


Given the following input:

- label: test
enabled: true
- label: test2

and this Custom View:

- type: tags
path: tags
displayValue: { { label } }
filter: { { enabled == true } }

the UI will show only the tag "test".

Another example could be when this input:

- name: tag
description: test
- name: tag test
description: test2
- name: test tag
description: test3

with this custom view:

- type: tags
path: tags
displayValue: { { description } }
filter: "{{ true if name == null or name.slice(0, 4) != 'test' else false }}"

will show two tags: "test" and "test2"

Radio Component

The radio component shows a radio button. When pressed, it runs an action specified in the click property. It allows a click property to be called when the radio button is clicked. The click property right now can be assigned only the values specific to the page it is defined in.

Radio Component


  • click: Specifies the code-defined action.
  • disabled: Specifies, using a Nunjucks value, when this component should be disabled.
  • disabledTooltip: When it is disabled, optionally define a string tooltip to show on hover.


- type: radio
click: myAction
disabled: '{% if shoppable is not defined %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}'

Checkbox Component

The checkbox component shows a checkbox button. When pressed, it runs an action specified in the click property. It allows a click property to be called when the checkbox button is clicked. The click property right now can be assigned only the values specific to the page it is defined in.

Checkbox Component


  • click: Specifies the code-defined action.
  • disabled: Specifies, using a Nunjucks value, when this component should be disabled.
  • disabledTooltip: When it is disabled, optionally define a string tooltip to show on hover.


- type: checkbox
click: myAction
disabled: '{% if shoppable is not defined %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}'

Enabled Component

The enabled component shows a checked circle, grayed if false (depending on the value of the field referenced by the path).

Enabled Component


- type: enabled
path: available

Automatic Fields List Component

The automatic fields list component shows a list of fields. It is used to display all the first-level primitive fields of an object. E.g. if you have a long list of fields and you don't want to create a component for each one, you can use this component to display them all. You can easily tell the component which fields should be ignored, and the order in which they should be displayed.


  • exclude: An array of fields to exclude from the list. The fields specified here will not be displayed.
  • order: An array of field names that specifies the order in which the fields should be displayed. All the fields not specified here will be displayed after the ones specified in this array.
  • defaults: Is an object that specifies the default properties for some the fields. If you use the field _default, the properties will be applied to all the fields, unless they are overridden by the field's specific properties.


- type: automatic_fields_list
path: myObject
colSpan: 4
colSpan: 2
- useCaseTemplateId
- infrastructureTemplateId
- name
- fullyQualifiedName
- version
- creationDate
- description

Only the first-level primitive fields are displayed. If you want to display nested fields, you should use other components. So for example, if you have an input object like this:

field1: value1
nestedField1: value2
- value3
- value4

and you define a Custom View like this:

- type: automatic_fields_list
path: myObject

only field1 will be displayed.

Layout Components

Include Component

The include component allows the inclusion of other Custom View component definitions. If not present, it will show the children defined in place.


  • id: Specifies the identifier of the custom view to include.
  • typeId: Specifies the entity type for which this should be included. This is an optional field.
  • templateId: Specifies the entity custom template ID for which this should be included. This is an optional field.

If no typeId or templateId is specified, the component will inherit the values from the parent custom view.


- type: hbox
- type: include
id: builder_system_general
- type: catalog_relations

In the example above, the include component will include the builder_system_general custom view and then show the catalog_relations component. This is the code used to display the first part of the builder system page:

Include Component

Grid List Component

The grid list component places its children in a spaced vertical column. This is usually used to show a list of cards, but it can be used to display any component as a vertical column.

Grid List Component

In the image above, the cards "General Information", "Technical Information", and "Data Contract" are placed in a vertical column using the grid list component.


  • children: contains an array of all components that will be shown inside this component.


- type: grid_list
- type: string
value: My String
- type: string
value: My Other String

Container Component

The container component defines an area to place elements in a sequence with more fine control. The child elements could be any component and are placed in a sequential disposition, following the traditional flow rules (left-right, top-bottom).

Container Component

In the image above, the container component is used to place the string children (that will be adapted using their "colSpan" property to take up the space they need). Please note, that inside the container, there is another container on the right with a visible left border.


  • children: contains an array of all components that will be shown inside this component.
  • spacing: Specifies the spacing between elements (default to 3).
  • borderLeft: If present, the container will display a solid border on the left side.
  • borderRight: If present, the container will display a solid border on the right side.
  • borderTop: If present, the container will display a solid border on the top side.
  • borderBottom: If present, the container will display a solid border on the bottom side.


- type: container
spacing: 10
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Horizontal Box Component

The horizontal box component shows all its children in a horizontal disposition. Each child can have a size property, that follows the flex rules. Usually, every child will have a reserved space that is proportional to the total sum of the children's sizes.

Container Component

In this image, you can see how the two "container" components are placed in a horizontal disposition. The one on the left has a size of 3, and the second one has a size of 1. This means that the first container will take up 75% of the total space, and the second one will take up 25%. You can see the two containers are separated by a vertical line, since the second container has a border on the left side.


  • children: contains an array of all components that will be shown inside this component. Every child component can define a size property to specify its relative with.
  • responsive: if responsive is set to true, for small screens, elements will be put in columns. Instead for larger size the items will be put in sequence, based on 'size' props. Default is false.


- type: hbox
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
size: 3
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

In this example, the string will take 75% of the total size, and the latter will fill up the remaining 25%.

Horizontal Component

The horizontal component shows all its children in a horizontal flow disposition. This differs from the container because overflowing elements will not go into new lines. This component will also not equally space the elements, but will instead let them take up the space they need.

Horizontal Component


  • children: contains an array of all components that will be shown inside this component.


- type: horizontal
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Card Component

The card component shows all its children inside a card container.

Card Component


  • title: Specifies the title of the card.
  • noDataCheck: Specifies a condition that, when false, replaces the card with a no-data content.
  • noDataLabel: Specifies the message to be shown when no data is detected.
  • children: contains an array of all components that will be shown inside this component.


- type: card
title: My Card
noDataCheck: false
noDataLabel: No data available
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Sub Card Component

The sub_card component shows all its children inside a sub-card widget. Sub-cards can be drawn inside other cards.

Sub Card Component


  • title: Specifies the title of the sub-card.
  • noDataCheck: Specifies a condition that, when false, replaces the card with a no-data content.
  • noDataLabel: Specifies the message to be shown when no data is detected.
  • children: contains an array of all components that will be shown inside this component.


- type: sub_card
title: My Sub Card
noDataCheck: false
noDataLabel: No data available
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

No data Component

The no data component shows data if its value (value or path) is defined, otherwise it shows a no-data object with a label.


In the Card Component this behavior is available through the noDataCheck and noDataLabel properties.


  • children: contains the element (or elements) that are shown when the value is defined.


- type: no_data
value: myValue
label: No data available
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Vertical Space Component

The vertical space component shows a space positioned vertically.


- type: vspace

Horizontal line Component

The horizontal line component shows a horizontal line of separation.

Horizontal Line Component

Here you can see the horizontal line separating the "Tags" section from the rest of the card.


- type: hline

Sequence Component

The sequence component replicates all its children for each element of an array referenced by the path property. It redefines the root for the paths on the selected element: if the path is myArray, the root for the children will be myArray![i].


The sequence component works only if the value or path fields reference a field that is an array.


  • children: contains the element (or elements) that are shown for each array element.


- type: sequence
path: myArray
- type: string
value: name
label: Name
- type: string
value: description
label: Description

In the example above, the sequence component will replicate the two string components for each element in the myArray array. The example above would be capable of displaying a list of names and descriptions like:

- name: Name1
description: Description1
- name: Name2
description: Description2

Grid Sequence Component

The grid sequence component is similar to the sequence component, but it places the replicas in a spaced grid.

Grid Sequence Component

By iterating on every type of the array's elements, the grid list creates an instance for each element, placing them in a grid disposition.


  • children: contains the element (or elements) that are shown for each array element.


- type: grid_sequence
path: myArray
- type: string
value: name
label: Name
- type: string
value: description
label: Description

Table Component

The table component shows a table starting from an array of objects. Each child represents a column and is required to have a label property. It allows a click property to be called when a row is clicked. The click property right now can be assigned only the values specific to the page it is defined in.

The table component now supports advanced filtering capabilities. Filters can be defined for each column, allowing users to refine the displayed data based on various criteria.

Table Component


  • click: Specifies the code-defined action.
  • showRowWhen: Works as showWhen, but specific for table rows. It can be used to show only elements with a specific value.

Each element has the following configurations:

  • label: the column title (falls back to the field title if not defined)

    If the label is defined as a Nunjucks, it refers to the root element as seen by the table, not by the row. The value property works as usual instead, having as root the row element.

  • width: column width (recommended in %)

Filter Configurations:

Filters are configured through the filters prop, which is an array of filter objects. Each filter object has the following structure:

interface Filter {
column: string;
type: 'search' | 'boolean' | 'multiselect' | 'select';
path?: string;
placeholder?: string;
  • column: The name of the column to filter, must match the label field present in children otherwise it will not work.
  • type (optional): The type of filter to apply. Supported types are:
    • search: A text input for free-text searching.
    • boolean: A checkbox for true/false filtering.
    • multiselect: A multi-select dropdown for choosing multiple values.
    • select (default) : A single-select dropdown for choosing one value.
  • path (optional): The path to the property in the data object. If not provided, it will use the column's path.
  • placeholder (optional): Custom placeholder text for the filter input. Works only for 'search' type. Defaults to 'Search by column'


- type: table
path: myArray
click: myAction
- column: Name
type: search
placeholder: Search by name
- column: Type
type: multiselect
- column: Version
type: select
- column: Access
type: boolean
value: '{{ name }}'
equals: Name1
- label: Name
path: name
- label: Description
path: description
width: 50%
- type: string
path: type
label: Type
width: 20%
- type: string
path: version
label: Version
width: 20%
- type: enabled
path: access
label: Access
width: 10%

The example above, is capable of rendering as a table the following YAML data, by excluding the second row:

- name: Name1
description: Description1
- name: Name2
description: Description2

New Root Component

The new root component redefines the root for its children components. This is useful when you want to change the root of the children components to a different object: e.g. you have a source object "myObject" and you want to reference its children as if "myObject" were the root object.


  • path: Specifies the new root path.


- type: new_root
path: myObject
- type: sequence
path: myArray
- type: string
value: name
label: Name
- type: string
value: description
label: Description

This would work for a source object like:

- name: Name1
description: Description1
- name: Name2
description: Description2

Marketplace Components

Marketplace Questions Component

The marketplace questions component shows a question and answers box. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. These components must be used in the marketplace pages, and they are not customizable.

Marketplace Questions Component


- type: marketplace_questions

Marketplace Review Component

The marketplace review component shows a review box. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. These components must be used in the marketplace pages, and they are not customizable.

Marketplace Review Component


- type: marketplace_review

Marketplace Dependency Component

The marketplace dependency component shows the dependency graph. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. These components must be used in the marketplace pages, and they are not customizable.

Marketplace Dependency Component


- type: marketplace_dependency

Marketplace Flag and Score Component

The marketplace flag and score component shows the metrics and policies' results. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. These components must be used in the marketplace pages, and they are not customizable.

Marketplace Flag and Score Component

You can see the flag and score component in the image above, showing the metrics and policies' results in the bottom part of the card.


- type: marketplace_flag_and_score

Marketplace Policy Violations Overview Component

The marketplace policy violations overview component displays a list of active violations for specific policies. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. This component must be used in the marketplace pages.


  • title: title of the widget
  • policyIds: a list of policy IDs whose violations should be displayed
  • hideIfEmpty: whether the widget should be hidden when there are no violations to show
  • noDataMessage: message to display when there are no violations to show and hideIfEmpty is set to false

Marketplace Policy Violations Overview Component


- type: marketplace_policy_violations_overview
title: Policy violations
hideIfEmpty: false
noDataMessage: No violations

Marketplace Metric Results Overview Component

The marketplace metric results overview component displays a list of latest results for specific active metrics. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. This component must be used in the marketplace pages.


  • title: title of the widget
  • metricIds: a list of metric IDs whose results should be displayed
  • hideIfEmpty: whether the widget should be hidden when there are no results to show
  • noDataMessage: message to display when there are no results to show and hideIfEmpty is set to false

Marketplace Metric Results Overview Component


- type: marketplace_metric_results_overview
title: Metric results
hideIfEmpty: false
noDataMessage: No results

Marketplace Data Contract Error Panel

The marketplace data contract error panel component is used to display errors of a data contract in a snackbar. The snackbar will be displayed only if the outcome of the last policy evaluation is error, or if the last result details object is malformed. If a message is specified in the path notes.errorSummary.message of the last result details, that message will be displayed in the snackbar instead of a generic one. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. If the input component has no data contract data, nothing will be displayed.

Marketplace Data Contract Error Panel Component


- type: marketplace_data_contract_error_panel

This component must be used in a page where the input object is of type Marketplace Component

Marketplace Data Contract Policy Status Component

The marketplace data contract policy result component is used to display the validations of a data contract policy result in a tree table. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. If the input component has no data contract data, nothing will be displayed.

Marketplace Data Contract Policy Status Component


- type: marketplace_data_contract_policy_status

This component must be used in a page where the input object is of type Marketplace Component

Marketplace Data Contract Quality Component

The marketplace data contract quality component is a data contract quality view, that is used in the data contracts drawer to display the data contract quality properties. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. These components must be used in the marketplace pages, and they are not customizable.

Marketplace Data Contract Quality Component


- type: marketplace_data_contract_quality

Data Preview Component

The data preview component shows a preview of data.

Data Preview Component


  • path: Specifies the path of the data to show.
  • title: Specifies the title of the data preview card.
  • hideNoDataIcon: Hide the no data icon in case no sample data is found.
  • noDataLabel: Message to show to users in case no sample data is found.


- type: data_preview
path: myDataPath
title: Data Preview

This is capable of rendering a data preview filed with the following structure:

- - '1'
- Jace
- Beleren
- 24/07/2018
- M
- - '2'
- Gideon
- Jura
- 14/01/2019
- M
- customer_id
- first_name
- last_name
- birth_date
- gender

Marketplace Info Card Component

The marketplace info card component shows a card with the toolbar (containing the "Request Access" button). It behaves like a card, and it must be used to include the general details of the marketplace entity.

Marketplace Info Card Component


  • children: contains the elements that are shown inside the card.


- type: marketplace_info_card
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Marketplace Tech Card Component

The marketplace_tech_card component shows a card containing Technical information coming from technology adapters.

Marketplace Tech Card Component


  • title: Specifies the title of the card.
  • configs: Specifies an array of field names, referring to the keys in which the technical information is contained. It defaults to the one defined in the configuration file (usually they are: info, buildInfo, and deployInfo).
  • maxLines: Defines the maximum number of rows displayed in the field before truncation occurs. If set to undefined or -1, the field will not be truncated. For values greater than 0, the text field is truncated, and hovering over it will show a tooltip containing the full text. -showMoreButton: Specifies if 'More'/'Less' button replaces the tooltip after truncation. -maxChars: Specifies the maximum number of characters a marketplace field can have before being treated as colSpan 2 (occupying two columns in the grid) instead of colSpan 1. If a specific colSpan is set in the field's configuration, that value takes precedence. If this is not defined, the field defaults to a colSpan of 1.


- type: marketplace_tech_card
title: Technical Information
maxLines: 2
- info
- buildInfo

This component will render automatically all the elements defined in the fields passed as configs. Those objects should have a structure like:

href: ''
type: 'string'
label: 'Data Catalog'
value: 'Link to the Data Catalog'

In this case, the UI will display a single element with the label "Data Catalog" and value "Link to the Data Catalog" that will redirect to the specified href.

Marketplace Component Card Component

The marketplace component card shows a card with the components toolbar (containing the "Request Access" button).

Marketplace Component Card Component


  • children: contains the elements that are shown inside the card.
  • title: Specifies the title of the card.


- type: marketplace_component_card
title: Components

Schema List Component

The schema list component transforms an input path that references a schema object into a list of schemas, with an associated semantic linking object (if found). If the path is already an array, it will return the list of schemas directly (enriched with semantic linking if defined).


- type: schema_list
path: dataContract.schema
- type: grid_sequence
path: ''

Builder Components

Catalog System Card

The catalog system card component implements a card with the system object toolbar (containing the "Code" and "Refresh" buttons). It behaves like a card, and it must be used to include the general details of the catalog entity.

Catalog System Card Component


  • children: contains the elements that are shown inside the card.


- type: catalog_system_card
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Catalog Component Card

The catalog component card component implements a card with the components object toolbar (containing the "Add" button). It behaves like a card, and it must be used to include the general details of the catalog entity; it is used to contain the list of components of a system.

Catalog Component Card


- type: catalog_component_card
- type: string
path: name
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
label: Description

Catalog Relations Component

The catalog relations component shows the entity relations graph. In this case, the path and value properties are not used. These components must be used in the marketplace pages, and they are not customizable.

Catalog Relations Component


- type: catalog_relations

Catalog Warnings Component

The catalog warnings component shows the entity warnings. This component must be included in the page to show the warnings, otherwise you will not see the panel on entities with an error.

Catalog Warnings Component


- type: catalog_warnings

Catalog Components

The catalog components component shows the list of sub-components of a component. This is useful when you need to add sub-components to the components.


- type: catalog_components

Click Actions

When a component is clicked, it can trigger an action. The action is defined in the click property of the component. The action is a predefined code-defined action. Here we report a list of all the actions that can be triggered by the components.

Show Component

The show component action is triggered by the table of components shown on the System Page of the marketplace. It shows the component clicked on a new page.


- type: table
path: components
click: showComponent

Set Selection Action

The set selection action is triggered when a user selects a specific option from the consumable interface card of the System Page in the marketplace. It allows the user to set a value or perform an action based on the selected option.


- type: radio
path: selected
width: 10%
click: setSelection
disabled: '{% if shoppable is not defined or _parent.shoppable == 'SHOPPABLE' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}'
disabledTooltip: 'This component is either non-shoppable or its system parent is shoppable. You cannot directly request access to it. In the case of a shoppable parent system, you have to request access from its General Information card.'

Show Sub Component Action

The show sub-component action is triggered when a user interacts with a component and wants to display additional information of the nested components in a drawer. It is used in the Consumable Interface Details Page in the marketplace.


- type: 'table'
value: '{{consumable}}'
notEquals: false
click: showSubcomponent
path: components

Show Component Action

The show component action is triggered when a user wants to view the component of a System, from the System Page in the marketplace.


- type: table
path: components
click: showComponent

The show semantic link action is triggered when a user wants to view the semantic link of a column in the schema of a component in the marketplace.


- type: row_link
label: Semantic Link
path: _semanticlink
align: right
click: showSemanticLink

Nunjucks functions

We also defined some useful pre-coded Nunjucks functions, to be used inside all the properties that accept Nunjucks values.


The some function takes in input an array of objects, a key name present in the objects and the value it should compare with. Returns true if at least one element in the array matches the value for the specified key.

In the following example, we check if, in the components array, at least one object has the property consumable to true


type: card
title: Consumable Interfaces
showWhenExists: _components
value: '{{ _components | some("consumable", true) }}'
equals: 'true'


The every function takes in input an array of objects, a key name present in the objects and the value it should compare with. Returns true if all the elements in the array match the value for the specified key.

In the following example, we check if, in the components array, all its objects have the property consumable to true


type: card
title: Consumable Interfaces
showWhenExists: _components
value: '{{ _components | every("consumable", true) }}'
equals: 'true'