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Available Actions

As of now, the only available action that can be configured in witboost is the Access Request Action.

Access Request Action

The Access Request action is triggered every time you request access to a resource through the Marketplace. It allows the resource owner to accept or reject an access request.

These are the configuration properties for the Access Request action:

invokeUpdateAcl: true | false # if true, it calls the internal UpdateAcl flow.
retries: 3 # number of allowed retries before marking the HTTP requests towards the provisioning coordinator as failed
interval: 30000 # number of milliseconds between each HTTP request towards the provisioning coordinator to check the status of the update ACL operation
timeout: 180000 # maximum number of milliseconds for the HTTP request towards the update ACL of the provisioning coordinator to mark the operation as timed out
updateAclUrl: http://localhost:8088/datamesh.provisioningcoordinator/v1/updateacl # URL of the update ACL endpoint in the provisioning coordinator
getExecutionPlanStatusUrl: http://localhost:8088/datamesh.provisioningcoordinator/v1/execution-plans/{{planId}}/status # URL to get the status of the update ACL operation on the provisioning coordinator
hooks: [] # list of hooks that you want to attach to this action to model a third-party interaction