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Reverse Provisioning Template

Every component on witboost is associated to a use case template id that identifies the template it has been created from and keeps a reference to an infrastructure template which is used to identify the technology adapter that can interact with the infrastructure service(s) on which the component is physically deployed.

To run a reverse provisioning operation on a deployment unit component, its related technology adapter may need some information from the user (e.g. a token, a table name, an URL, ...). Hence, the Platform Team needs to have a tool that allows them to define the required inputs from users when initiating a reverse provisioning operation on a component.

The ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity kind allows to define a set of reverse provisioning input params and link them to one or more use case template ids. When a user heads to a component page and a ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity related to the component's use case template id is found, then they will have the possibility to proceed to the reverse provisioning import wizard where the first step will render an input form based on the params definition stored into the ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity.

Entity definition

To define a new ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity, the Platform Team has to create a reverse-provisioning-template.yaml file with the following properties in a git repository:

apiVersionstringfixed to
kindstringfixed to ReverseProvisioningTemplate
metadataEntityMetadatawitboost entity standard metadata (e.g.
spec.domainstring (optional)Entity domain
spec.ownerstring (optional)Entity owner
spec.useCaseTemplateIdlist[string] (optional)This ReverseProvisioningTemplate will be associated to each deployment unit component with useCaseTemplateId among the provided ones
spec.useCaseTemplateReflist[string] (optional)Complete reference (type:namespace/name) to one or more use case template entities (e.g. template:default/dataproduct-template). spec.useCaseTemplateId will be automatically filled with the useCaseTemplateIds of the referenced templates.
spec.parametersobjectDefinition of the reverse provisioning input params

In the table above a dot (.) in the field name indicates a relation between an object and its property. E.g. spec.owner and spec.domain translates to


If no spec.domain is specified, the ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity will be available for all users if RBAC is enabled.

domain: domain-value
owner: owner-value

You can fill both spec.useCaseTemplateId and spec.useCaseTemplateRef arrays. The resulting ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity will process and merge their elements in a single spec.useCaseTemplateId array.

Property spec.parameters stick to the same templating language used inside the definition of a use case template (property spec.parameters inside template.yaml). The only difference is that spec.parameters of template.yaml may accept a list of parameter objects, while spec.parameters of reverse-provisioning-template.yaml expects a single object that will be rendered in UI form.


All values in the configurations.yaml file, if the file is present in the repository, are automatically included in the params field, under the environmentSpecificConfig key, along with all the spec.parameters field in the template. You can change the default key by specifying in your configuration file:

environmentSpecificConfigKey: yourCustomKeyName

Moreover, inside the params field, it is present the descriptor key, containing the entire descriptor of the component. You can change the key name by specifying in your configuration file:

descriptorKey: yourCustomKeyName

To learn more, read the tip here.

Sample reverse-provisioning-template.yaml

kind: ReverseProvisioningTemplate
name: test-reverse-prov-template
owner: group:agile_lab
domain: domain:organization
- urn:dmb:utm:aws-cdp-outputport-impala-template:0.0.0
- table
title: Database name
type: string
description: Impala Database name
title: Table name
type: string
description: Impala table name
title: Format
type: string
description: File format
- 'Parquet'
- 'CSV'
title: Ignore technical columns
type: boolean

This specification will create a ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity, associated with each component with a use case template id equal to urn:dmb:utm:aws-cdp-outputport-impala-template:0.0.0. When a user opens the reverse provisioning import wizard on one of these components, they will be presented with the form in the following image:

Sample form


Even if not explicitly defined in the ReverseProvisioningTemplate, the import wizard will always render a mandatory environment field. It is used to target the environment for the provisioning data collection.

Templating language

To better understand the templating language for reverse provisioning parameters and the available input field types check this page and this one.


To test a form definition and preview how it will be rendered, you can exploit the Template Editor located at https://<witboost-url>/scaffolder/edit. It is not specifically intended for reverse provisioning templates but it can serve as a good visual preview tool.

Entity registration

Once the reverse-provisioning-template.yaml file is ready, it's time to register the related entity inside witboost.

Automated way

When a reverse-provisioning-template.yaml is placed in the same folder as a witboost use case template's template.yaml file, it will be automatically fetched by witboost and the related ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity will be registered (or refreshed).

Manual way

It's also possible to manually register ReverseProvisioningTemplate entities from the Catalog Import page https://<witboost-url>/catalog-import (Builder > Templates > Register Existing Component button) by referencing the reverse-provisioning-template.yaml git location.

Manual registration

Template reloading

In order to reflect the modifications made on the reverse-provisioning-template.yaml to the witboost ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity you have two options:

  1. wait for witboost to automatically fetch and sync the changes (it is usually done every 90 seconds)
  2. Builder > Software Catalog > Filter for ReverseProvisioningTemplates > Open the target entity page > Click on the refresh icon


ReverseProvisioningTemplate entities can be documented exactly like other witboost entities. Check this section for additional details.

The documentation can then be read from the ReverseProvisioningTemplate catalog page (Docs tab) and will also be accessible from the Reverse Provisioning Import Wizard on components associated to the documented template.

Documentation icon


It is strongly recommended to provide clear documentation of the output (the metadata that will be imported) the user can expect after running the reverse provisioning operation.

Reverse Provisioning Template Checklist

The following checklist can be used to verify if a ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity has been loaded successfully and is semantically correct.

  • Go to Builder > Software Catalog > Filter for ReverseProvisioningTemplates

    • Check: the target entity is found
    • Open the entity page
      • Check: no errors are displayed
      • Check: in case you documented the entity, the Docs tab correctly renders it
  • Go to Builder > Templates

    • Check: every use case template listed in the spec.useCaseTemplateRef field in reverse-provisioning-template.yaml - or every template that generates components with one of the use case template ids in spec.useCaseTemplateId - features a clickable magic wand icon that redirects to ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity page.

    Template&#39;s icon


    The magic wand icon on a use case template card indicates that every component created starting from that use case template is suitable for the reverse provisioning operation; the reverse provisioning input parameters are defined by the ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity referenced by the icon hyperlink.

  • Open the reverse provisioning input wizard of one of the target components

    • Check: the input form in the first step of the wizard is correctly rendered and it's the desired one
    • Check: in case you documented the ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity, an info icon on the upper right corner of the wizard is displayed and it links to the documentation

Entity removal

A ReverseProvisioningTemplate entity can be unregistered from the Software Catalog (Builder > Software Catalog > Filter for ReverseProvisioningTemplates > Find the target entity) just like any other catalog entity.


If you unregister an entity whose reverse-provisioning-template.yaml is placed in the same folder of a witboost use case template's template.yaml file, it will be automatically reloaded by witboost (see the Automated entity registration section above). In this case, please remember to first remove reverse-provisioning-template.yaml from the repository before deleting the related entity from the Software Catalog.