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Identities Picker


This picker enables users to select groups and users that are registered in Witboost. The two kinds of entity are grouped in sub-sections in order to give users the possibility to select directly the groups or the users they want without searching them.


It enables users to specify a maximum number of selectable identities, beyond which it disables the remaining options. The property to be set is maxIdentities and if it is not provided, the user can select how much options it wants.

It enables users to specify if they want to display in the drop-down list both users and groups, only users, only groups. The property to be set is allowedKinds and if it is not provided, the default behaviour is displaying both users and groups in the drop-down list.


allowedKinds can assume two possible values: "user" and "group". If something else is provided, an error will be thrown.

It enables users to specify if they want to display in the drop-down list just the users and groups the logged user is member of. The property to be set is showOnlyUserMemberGroups. If it is not provided, the defauls value is false, i.e. all the users and groups registered in Witboost are displayed.

** Example **

# ... other fields of your template
title: Identities
type: array
description: A list of users and groups
ui:field: IdentitiesPicker
maxIdentities: 5
- Group
- User
showOnlyUserMemberGroups: true

** Users and groups visibility **

The users and groups that are displayed in the in the drop-down list are directly taken from the identities of Witboost. If the showOnlyUserMemberGroups params is true, the way in which these are displayed depends on the logged user visibility.

|__ userA
|__ groupB
|__ userB

Let's suppose that a user "userA" belongs to a group "groupA", and, the "groupA" has a sub-group called "groupB" and a user called "userB". If a "userA" is going to use the Identities Picker, it should display in the drop-down list also the "groupB" and the "userB".

So, the users and groups that the drop-down list will render are from top to bottom in the hierarchy starting from the level represented by the logged user.


The output produced by this picker is a list of strings representing the users and groups identifiers.